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Kidney Failure Signs

علامات الفشل الكلوي المبكرة والأخيرة: كيف تعرف حالتك وما هي النسب المؤشّرة؟

Kidney failure is a serious health condition. In this article, we will discuss the signs of kidney failure in the final stages and the critical levels indicating the severity of the condition. This information is important for people suffering from kidney disease or those caring for kidney patients. What is Kidney Failure? Kidney failure occurs […]

Dialysis Nutrition: Myth vs. Fact for Better Health and Patient Care

النظام الغذائي لمرضى غسيل الكلى: معالجة المفاهيم الخاطئة الشائعة

Nutrition plays a critical role in the well-being of individuals undergoing hemodialysis, a vital treatment for those with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, numerous myths surrounding dialysis nutrition can create confusion, delay proper care, and affect patient outcomes. It’s essential for patients, their families, and healthcare providers to have clear and accurate information to ensure

Dialysis: When to initiate , Frequency , And Preparation Tips

جلسات غسيل الكلى: موعد البدأ، عدد المرات، ونصائح التحضير

Navigating the journey of chronic kidney disease can be daunting, one of the most critical decisions to make is determining the best time to start dialysis.This decision is influenced by various factors, including your overall health, kidney function, and personal preferences. Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis Chronic kidney disease is a progressive condition where


فهم النظام الغذائي منخفض الصوديوم ومصادر الطعام الغنية بالصوديوم

A low sodium diet is often recommended for individuals looking to manage high blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and support overall cardiovascular health. Sodium, an essential mineral, plays a crucial role in regulating fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. However, excessive sodium intake can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), fluid


الحياة مع غسيل الكلى: ما يمر به المرضى، ما يمكن توقعه، والدعم الذي يحتاجونه

Dialysis is a lifeline for those with kidney failure. It’s a complex process, often filled with a mix of emotions and physical sensations. In this article, we delve into the dialysis patient experience. We’ll explore what it feels like during dialysis, drawing from patient testimonials and treatment feedback.We aim to provide a realistic understanding of


هل يمكن لمريض غسيل الكلى عكس الفشل الكلوي

Chronic kidney disease has become a significant health issue worldwide, often leading to renal failure. Once a patient reaches a point where dialysis is required, the question arises: can kidney failure be reversed? This article explores the current understanding and possibilities for dialysis patients with respect to reversing kidney failure. Understanding Kidney Failure and the

آخر الأخبار

نيفرو أرابيا تطلق برنامجاً جديداً لتعليم التمريض وتعزيز خبرات غسيل الكلى ( مايو ٢٠٢٤)

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (٥ مايو ٢٠٢٤): تفتخر نيفرو أرابيا، شركة رائدة في مجال خدمات غسيل الكلى في الإمارات ، بإعلان انطلاق برنامجها الجديد لتعليم التمريض. يهدف هذا البرنامج الشامل الذي ينطلق في مايو ٢٠٢٤ إلى تعزيز إضافي للمهارات والمعرفة لدى فريق ممرضي غسيل الكلى، بما يضمن حصول المريض على رعاية بأعلى مستويات الجودة.


المراحل الخمس لمرض الكلى المزمن

Chronic kidney disease occurs when you suffer from gradual and permanent loss of kidney function over time. There is no way to cure chronic kidney disease but we can do our best to slow down its progression. The five stages of chronic kidney disease If your kidneys are performing their filtering function and there are


عش حياة نشطة

As a dialysis patient you can have a fairly good and normal life. Your medical team will do everything they can help you. But in the end it all depends on you. Have a positive mind! Look for opportunities rather than problems. Enjoy life to the best of your ability. Continue to work! Starting dialysis

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